Elite Baseball 24/25 Program Registration Please Select Your Team*Elite Baseball 24/25The team fee will be paid in 8 installments of $687.50 +processing fee. Your card will be billed the day you register, and then that same day of each month afterwards until the balance is paid off. Players Name* First Last Date of Birth*Players Email* Players Cell Phone*Players Grad Year*Players High School*Jersey Size*SmallMediumLargeExtra LargeXXLHat Size*SmallMediumLargeExtra LargeParents Name* First Last Parents Email #1* Parents Email #2 if necessaryParents Email #3 if necessaryParents Cell Phone*Home Address*PLEASE READ AND INITIAL EACH PARAGRAPH BELOW, ACKNOWLEDGING YOUR AGREEMENT TO THOSE TERMSBy submitting this registration, I agree to pay the full amount and understand no refunds will be given*I understand monthly installments of payments are set up for convenience only*I understand if an installment is 21 days past due, the remaining balance of the team fee will be immediately payable*Once registration is submitted, Elite Baseball MD guarantees my son a roster spot on one of their teams, but I understand there are no other guarantees including but not limited to playing time, playing a specific position, batting order in lineup or any other guarantees.*Photo/Video Release*I give my permission for Elite Baseball to use any photos/videos taken during the season in which my child may appear in:Understanding of Risk*I understand the seriousness of risk involved in participating in this program, my personal responsibility to adhere to rules and regulations, and accept them as a participant. Player/Parent Code of Conduct*1. Fighting and other conduct intended to injure others will not be tolerated and may be grounds for immediate removal from the game, field complex or program. 2. Vulgar and disrespectful language or conduct will not be tolerated and may be grounds for immediate removal from the game, field complex or program. 3. Any disagreement with an Umpire must be handled in a courteous and respectful manner by the appropriate person – be it a coach, or team manager. 4. The players and coaches from your team and all teams are to be treated with respect at all times. Good sportsmanship is to be used and encouraged at all times. 5. Each parent and coach is expected to set a good example for the players with respect to self control and the treatment of umpires, and opposing coaches, players and parents. 6. Do not embarrass your child by yelling at players, coaches or officials. By showing a positive attitude toward the game and all of its participants, your child will benefit. 7. Parents know the rules of the game, and support the officials on and off the field. Any criticism of the officials only hurts the game. 8. Coaching from the stands during games and practices is detrimental to the goals of Elite Baseball and is prohibited. 9. All questions, complaints, grievances and comments shall be directed to the appropriate team manager at an appropriate time. 10. No parent or player will engage in any behavior or conduct that is detrimental to the individual teams; coaching staffs; or the general operations of the Elite Baseball Fall Team. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE “CODE OF CONDUCT FOR PLAYERS AND PARENTS” MAY BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OF PARENT AND/OR PLAYER, AND/OR REMOVAL FROM THE TEAM. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS IF A PLAYER IS REMOVED FROM THE TEAM IF THE PLAYER OR PARENT VIOLATES THE CODE OF CONDUCTStatement of Wellness for Participation and to Administer Treatment*I verify, to the best of my knowledge, my child is able to participate fully in the Elite Baseball baseball program. In case of medical emergency and the event that the parent/guardian cannot be immediately contacted, I hereby give my permission for emergency treatment (i.e. EMT, First Responder, E.D) to be administered to my child. I release Elite Baseball, LLC and their employees from all liability for any personal injury, illness, loss or damage to property that may incur during my son’s participation in Elite Baseball’s team. I agree to assume liability for any expenses incurred in such an emergency (transportation, hospitalization, etc). I authorize all medical and surgical treatment, X-ray, laboratory, anesthesia, and other medical and/or hospital procedures as may be performed or prescribed by the attending physician and/or paramedics for my child and waive my right to informed consent of treatment. This waiver applies only in the event that neither parent/guardian can be reached in the case of an emergency. Please list any/all ALLERGIES, MEDICAL CONDITIONS, MEDICATIONS and SPECIAL NEEDS:Emergency Contact Name*Emergency Contact's Phone Number*Processing Fee Price: $0.00 Total $0.00 Your credit card will be billed $687.50 + the processing fee after the completion of this form. It will then be billed on the same day each month until the balance of $5,500 is paid off (8 Total Payments)Credit Card* American ExpressDiscoverMasterCardVisaSupported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa Card Number Month010203040506070809101112 Year20252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041204220432044 Expiration Date Security Code Cardholder Name